Vodafone complaints

What can we help you with?

We're sorry you’ve had to come to this page. Before you get in touch, check out our support pages. They’ll help you fix your issue quickly and easily.


Problems with your signal for calls, texts or using the internet.


Got a higher than expected bill, roaming charge or other charges?


Slow or no internet, problems moving home with broadband, or installation issues.

Something else

Find the help you need in our Support Centre.

How to complain

Call us

The quickest way to get help is to call us on 191 free from your Vodafone mobile, or 03333 040 191 from any other phone.

Our phone lines are open Monday to Friday, 8am to 10pm and Saturday to Sunday, 8am to 8pm.

Fill in our form

Use our online complaints form

One of our agents will review your complaint and contact you.

Write to us

Make sure you include the issue, what you want us to do, and your contact details. Send your letter to:

Customer Relations Manager
Vodafone Limited
The Connection
RG14 2FN

We do everything we can to help as quickly as possible and aim to resolve all complaints within eight weeks. We’ll keep you regularly updated as we try to solve your issue.

Our complaints code of practice

Find out how we’ll handle your complaint, and what happens if your complaint hasn’t been resolved after eight weeks.

If you’ve already made a complaint, please give us 7 to 10 days to go through your details and get in touch. If it’s been longer than 10 days, we’re really sorry to have kept you waiting. We’ll be in touch as soon as we can.